
Jesstours.com is a travel website that details my adventures from around the world. It’s a mixed bag of travel experiences, stories and insights. It’s also a blog that doesn’t take itself too seriously but will provide my family and friends with an outlet to keep track of my travels as well as hopefully serve as an interesting and entertaining read, with some helpful travel maps and tips for those who simply stumble across this page. Happy reading and happy travelling!


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Goodbye New York. Hello Vancouver!

May 2014

Apologies folks for interrupting the flow of my Mexico posts but I wanted to share some exciting news. After an incredible 18 months in the Big Apple Nick and I are heading north to Vancouver! A move, which will hopefully see the start of another amazing chapter in our adventures.

We fly out on Friday, and I am beyond excited. I’m a little nervous too. No more lady of leisure status for me. I’ll be heading back to the real world and looking for a full time job.

I am truly going to miss New York: the friends I’ve made, beautiful Park Slope (the area Nick and I called home), our lovely apartment, sunny days in Prospect Park, Saturday morning’s at the Brooklyn FleaWhitman’s burgers in the East Village, walks along the High Line, break dancers on the subway and so much more.

photo (2)_BLOG     photo 1_BLOG

While the list of things I’m going to miss in NYC seems endless, I have already started to compile a list of things to see and do, as well as eat and drink in Vancouver. I’ve heard lots of great things about Stanley Park, English Bay, Granville Island, the West End, and of course Vancouver’s gorgeous summer. I can’t wait to get out and about (when it’s not raining) and explore.

So it is farewell to New York. What an absolute blast it’s been. I will forever be grateful to have been able to call you home. And hello to Vancouver and the adventures that await.

Posted by Jess Fleming

  1. Comment posted by Jacqui Ferrari at 8:15 pm on May 10, 2014...

    Wishing you both all the best for your next adventure. Nick, you must be very good at what you do so congratulations on scoring that job. We are about to experience New York for the first time, arriving on the 22nd May. I'm about to go to your N.Y. blog. Have fun yuo young things. Love always Jacqui.

    • Comment posted by JessTours (post author) at 12:35 pm on May 12, 2014...

      Thank you for your lovely message Jacqui! Wishing you a fun and fabulous time in NYC. You're going to love it!

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